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9 min read

What is Tridium Part 1

By Smart Buildings Academy on Jul 3, 2017 6:00:51 AM

I'm proud to say that for several months now this post is the number 2 result on Google Search for "What is Tridium". So if you are landing here for the first time, first off welcome!

The post below is part of a 2 part series that seeks to provide an overview of what Tridium is and what Tridium isn't. At the end of this article, I will provide you some related articles and a chance to learn more about building automation.

Topics: Guides tridium building automation systems Building Controls Tridium
8 min read

What is Tridium Part 2

By Smart Buildings Academy on Sep 10, 2013 10:34:44 AM

In my earlier article, I went through a level review of Tridium. Much to my surprise that what is Tridium article became one of my most read articles and I continue to get e-mails asking me for greater detail.

A few of the questions I receive are:

  • How does a JACE really work?
  • What are the pros and cons of a platform sold through VAR's(Value Added Resellers)?
  • What do I need to know if I am looking into Tridium as an offering?

All of these are good and pertinent questions. As I mentioned in my earlier article Tridium exists as a middleware BAS platform that provides the ability to connect to other systems via API's (Application Programming Interfaces).

Topics: Guides tridium building automation systems Building Controls Tridium